Lowongan Kerja Kementerian Luar Negeri

Lowongan Kerja Kementerian Luar Negeri - One tangible manifestation of Indonesian foreign policy is a free and active participation of Indonesia in various international organizations, both of which are under the umbrella of the UN and outside the UN. Participation is embodied in Indonesia's membership on bodies, boards, commissions and positions in various international organizations.

Lowongan Kerja Kementerian Luar NegeriIndonesia's membership on various boards, commissions and positions in international organizations is one attempt to run the foreign policy of Indonesia in the multilateral sphere, and in order to protect the national interests of Indonesia in the midst of the accelerating pace of global economic and political dynamics. Some of the advantages to be gained through membership Indonesia is Indonesia, among others can be involved actively in the process of formulation of international norms and provisions which are within the scope of international organizations, and participate in planning activities and programs that can bring benefits to the people of Indonesia.

In practice, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs No.: 02/A/OT/VIII/2005/01 in 2005, one of its assignment the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is increasing the staffing of employment and occupation on the secretariats of international organizations (OI) in which Indonesia become a member, by Indonesian Citizen (WNI). So far not known the exact number and data about the citizen who worked in the secretariat of OI. Nevertheless, it is believed that Indonesia was still under-represented (under-Represented) in terms of staff and administrative officials as well as professionals who work at the secretariat of OI.

Through this menu the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on people of Indonesia to see more about the International organization, career opportunities and employment systems in international organizations.

How to start a career in OI?

There are various ways to start a career in OI. First, following the recruitment process the positions of General Services, which is usually done locally with the announcement that was published on the internet and local media. Second, following recruitment positions Professional Services performed internationally and highly competitive selection process. In addition to professional qualifications, the deciding factor to consider is the representation of region, age, gender and language skills.

In general there are 2 (two) types of candidates for Professional Services, and the means and opportunity to obtain these positions vary according to categories: i) a recent graduate (fresh graduate) with limited work experience, and ii) have professional work experience enough. Here is a translation of a variety of ways to start a career at OI for both categories above.

A) Graduates with limited work experience (fresh graduate)

College graduates with a Bachelor, Master and Doctoral have the opportunity to work on OI in the following way:

Trainee or Internship Programmes

The majority of OI have internship programs or trainees who started a few times a year and lasts for 2-6 months. These programs are open to students of Master or Doctoral programs. Some OI have a maximum age limit between 30-35 years. In addition to minimum educational requirements are also requirements of English language skills are very good and possibly also the mastery of other languages.

Internship (internship) or trainee is an excellent way to gain work experience and build networks (networking) that can be useful to facilitate job applications in the future OI. But the internship or trainee can not be used as a benchmark to get a job in the OI in the future. Some of OI such as the United Nations even has a regulation that does not allow internal employees to apply for the positions contained in the UN during ongoing internship program and 6 (six) months thereafter.

For those that have been aged over 25 years and have little work experience may also join to become a UN Volunteer (see below).

Young Professional Programmes

Young Professional Programmes aimed to attract young people who are gifted and provide the opportunity to gain work experience in OI. These programs generally last for 1-3 years.

Jenia Although this program does not guarantee the continuation of work on an OI automatically, but these programs are very competitive. As an illustration, in 2004, the OECD received 2.500 applications for seven positions on offer. Have work experience and / or PhD degree will be very helpful.

Direct Application

Applications can also be done directly. Most of the OI, including UN agencies, NGOs, OECD as well as financial institutions and research job opening on the internet. The UN has a special e-recruitment system known as the Galaxy.

It should be noted, in particular for the UN Secretariat, the majority of vacancies for entry-level positions were not announced because the recruitment is usually done through special mechanisms such as the National Competitive Recruitment Examination (NCRE). There should also be emphasized that for the positions announced by the competition is very high considering the global nature of recruitment. Although called entry-level, but relevant work experience and / or Doctoral degree will be very helpful.

B) Professionals who already have work experience

Professionals who have relevant work experience can join the OI through the following ways:

UN Volunteers

One other way to work on OI is through the volunteer program (UN Volunteer). UN Volunteer Programme currently employs approximately 8.000 employees around the world experienced. The volunteers are usually employed in overcoming problems of humanity, support human rights, peace missions, UN agencies, development banks and NGOs. Assignments usually last between 1-2 years.

A person over the age of 25 years and have work experience of at least 5 years can apply for volunteering. The selected candidates will be included in the roster for two years after being elected. There are various kinds of qualifications are required, and at his current roster covering 115 professional categories including agriculture, health, education, communication technology, medicine etc.. As with the general requirements in other OI vacancies, the need for English and French language skills are very good, but other language skills a plus.

UN Volunteers is very attractive for mid-career professionals. Although this position does not guarantee continued employment, but this type of work can provide an excellent opportunity to gain experience in the OI and can be a material consideration when applying for the OI in the future.

Direct Application

Vacancy for the position of director of professional category and is widely published, especially over the internet. This process is very competitive and a variety of factors such as language skills, region and gender representation is considered. Relevant work experience to be one key to success in order to elect.

After the reform of the Office of Human Resources Management held in 1998, the UN has a centralized recruitment website, the Galaxy, where all the vacancies available at the Secretariat announced through the website. UN agencies and other OI announced vacancies existing positions in their organizations on their respective websites.

Lowongan Kerja Kementerian Luar Negeri

Now Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia open career opportunities with position as:

OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)

* Technical Support Officer, P-3 Inspectorate Division - Closing Date 02 Okt 2011
* Evaluation Officer, P-3 Verification Officer - Closing Date 04 Okt 2011

UN (Human Resources Management)

* P-5, Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer - Monitoring and Evaluation - Closing Date 11 Okt 2011
* P-3, Statistician - Closing Date 15 Okt 2011
* P-3, Human Resources Officer - Closing Date 15 Okt 2011
* P-3, Programme Officer - Closing Date 16 Okt 2011
* P-3, Human Rights Officer - Closing Date 17 Okt 2011

UNCDL (The United Nations Commission on Development and Labour)

* P-3, Research Officer - Closing Date 22 Okt 2011
* P-4, Administrative Officer - Closing Date 30 Sep 2011

How to apply?
Detail Qualification and how to apply please download Kementerian Luar Negeri document

Detail Vacancies Kementerian Luar Negeri R.I


Lowongan Kerja Kementerian Luar Negeri

Title: Lowongan Kerja Kementerian Luar Negeri, Rating: 5, Reviewer: Indonesian vacancy