Lowongan Kerja LPS

Lembaga Penjamin SimpananLowongan Kerja Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) - Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) is an independent institution appointed by the Government of Indonesia to safeguard the interest of Bank customers in Indonesia. IDIC officially began its operations in 2005 and based in Jakarta. IDIC was established by the Government of Indonesia by virtue of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 24 of 2004 concerning the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation. In conducting deposit insurance function, IDIC, in 2010, has protected depositors in spite of 1,990 banks that operate in Indonesia, which compressed of it is commercial banks, rural banks, or islamic based rural banks. Based on IDIC annual report 2010, with a maximum amount of deposit insured of Rp2 billion, in 2010, the deposit insured by IDIC recorded at the amount of Rp1,435.2 trillion or 60.53% of total deposit.

Lowongan Kerja LPS

In order to improve organizational performance, today LPS requires candidates who qualified, credible, accountable and have high integrity and commitment to occupy the following positions:
  1. Officer Akuntansi Lembaga (O-AKL) – Divisi Akuntansi dan Anggaran
  2. Junior Officer Pelaporan Bank (JO-PBK) – Divisi Penjaminan
  3. Junior Officer Pelaporan dan Analisis Sistem (JO-PAS) – Divisi Akuntansi dan Anggaran
  4. Junior Officer Kepatuhan (JO-KPT) – Divisi Kepatuhan dan Dukungan Hukum
  5. Junior Officer Auditor (JO-AU) – Satuan Kerja Audit Internal

General Requirements:
  • Minimum of Strata 1 (S1) with minimum GPA 3.00 (scale 4.0);
  • Derived from the State Universities, Private Colleges and the already accredited to the State Universities should be recognized by the Ministry of Education (Certificate pass while Not Applicable);
  • Have the background experience and / or qualification requirements of working in accordance with the proposed position;
  • Fluent in English (spoken and written);
  • The maximum age limit of 31 April 2012 to:
    • Officer: 35 years old
    • Junior Officer: 27 years old
  • Not tied to the relationship of husband / wife, father / mother-in-law / daughter, child of the / stepchild, sibling / step with an employee who has worked in the LPS;
  • Never been sentenced to imprisonment or confinement by the decision of the Court, for committing a crime;
  • Not a resident caretaker / members of political parties;
  • Able-bodied (physical, spiritual, and not color blind);

Registration deadline: May 11, 201 2 . Incoming e-mail after the deadline will not be processed.

For further detail requirements and how to apply, please read official info on following link.

Official info

Lowongan Kerja LPS

Title: Lowongan Kerja LPS, Rating: 5, Reviewer: Indonesian vacancy